In the world of blinds Shutters rein supreme! They have exuberant style and class and are extremely eye-catching and match any homes style not to mention are exceedingly durable in any application. Shutters are like a permanent piece of furniture that adds a stunning statement to any room in the modern home. They elongate the wall, drawing the eye to a spectacular timeless look that is second in styling to non. They are rich and grand, daring and dramatic and have the best warranty money can buy! With tons of different options to select from shutters are always the right choice, and believe you me always the talk of the room!
Shutters Are More then a Window Covering
Here’s the thing, shutters are the only window covering that will actually increase the value of your home as they are installed as a permanent fixture. The leading manufactures Shade-O-Matic, Hunter Douglas have a 25 year warranty which is considered lifetime in the blinds and shutters world. Not only that but they also have the highest insulation values so they add warmth not only in the look but also literally add warmth in the winter and keep it cool in the summer. Most new homes walls have an R-Rating of 20, with windows about an R-4 or 5 and shutters have about an R-7 so that really brings the insulation value up to 50% or higher comparing to the walls! That really puts the value into perspective! Not to mention the noise reduction capabilities they have.